Tag Archives | the cooking lady

Heart Warming… Heart Healthy… Soup
Okay, it’s very cold outside, that winter storm Cleon or whatever is sweeping across the deep South and I don’t know if we’re getting ice or not. So, I hit the grocery today and loaded up with all ingredients to make a wonderful beef and vegetable soup. It reminds me of my Granny. So far […]

Stuff in Jars
To Watch Click Here There seems to be a set, standard Southern rule if you visit, you dine, you have coffee… if you’re entertained in someone’s home or spend the night, go for house party, you arrive with a gift. That gift can be very small, it’s supposed to be from the heart, and that […]

Cobblers, Biscuits Are My Answer
You might recall an old episode of The Cooking Lady when I failed at my attempt to make Nanny’s Cobbler. The darn thing just wouldn’t rise. The best suggestion to fix it came from a viewer posted here in the comments section on the recipe page …. follow Susan Clark’s advice. I am not a baker… […]