Ah, Mardi Gras! Fat Tuesday! The culmination of all the revelry, debauchery, wild and crazy times, filled with lots of drink (too much for too many) and lots of good, I mean really good, food. Believe it or not, I’ve never attended a Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans, and that’s weird for someone from […]
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Where to Watch
Market Station Time Slot Alexandria, LA KLAX – ABC Sun, 10am Amarillo, TX KVII – ABC Sun. 5:30a Baton Rouge, LA KZUP – ind Sat., 11am Beaumont, TX KBTV – Fox ROS Charleston, SC WCSC-DT 5.2 Sat., 2p (fall= Sun, 12p) Chattanooga, TN WRCB – NBC Sun, 6am, adtl runs when possible Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS […]