Pork Loin Roulade

Pork Loin Roulade

1 cup dried apricots
¼ cup brandy
8-ounces Portobello mushrooms
1 cup pecans
1 box prepared long grain rice
2+ pound pork loin
3 tablespoons browning agent

Special Tools:
Kitchen twine
Meat thermometer

What To Do
Preheat oven to 350-degrees.

Put the dried apricots into a small bowl and cover with the brandy, set aside and let them reconstitute some. Meanwhile chop the mushrooms and pecans then add them to the rice.

Cut the pork loin in half being careful not to cut all the way through, fold the two sides open. Then starting from the center make another slice across the pork toward the outside, again being careful not to cut all the way through. Now repeat the cut from the center on the other half so that you’ve “unfolded” the loin into one long piece.

Mix the apricots into the rice then spread on top of the flat pork. Roll the pork up and secure with kitchen twine. Top the pork with salt, pepper and a browning agent. Put in oven and bake until it reaches an internal temperature of 160-degrees, about one hour.

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From the episode, Ann’s Thanksgiving

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